Hi all,
I’m giving you heads up to a project I’m starting for The APBA Blog. I’m calling it the Great APBA Fan Survey because that pretty much what it is. Some time in the near future I will go live with an online survey which will ask all APBA fans questions about what APBA games they play, who they play them with and why.
Why am I doing this? There’s no real sinister reason other than pure curiosity about who we are as the APBA community. I will, of course, be posting the results of the survey here on The APBA Blog when I get a good sample size.
The questions will mostly be multiple choice or yes/no and will pertain to:
- how you play the game of APBA
- goals to try to achieve in playing APBA
- how you interact with other APBA fans
- and what types of products/sports you prefer
A few notes:
Don’t worry, the survey is anonymous and I won’t be asking anything too personal. I think the most intimate I get is ask is asking your age. No questions will be mandatory and you can skip any that aren’t relevant or you don’t wish to answer.
I’m still in the process of entering questions. if anyone has some good ideas for what to ask, feel free to suggest it. It’s not too late!
I plan to have some fun with this and hope to have a lot of participation from everyone. Once the survey is ready, I’ll let everyone know.
Any good suggestions for questions out there?
If there was an opportunity to have a regional APBA convention how interested would you be in attending such an event?
What would be the best way to promote APBA to get more younger people involved?
If you could change one thing to either the Basic or Master game what would that be?
Tom-I look forward to taking the survey. Do you plan to mention this on BTL on Delphi to get more people involving in take the survey?
Best of Luck!
Walt Taylor
Altamonte Springs, FL
Looking forward to it, Tom – please don’t forget us APBA Soccer players!
What types of programs, utilities or other things help with a replay or other types of solitaire Card and Dice games? I am getting familiar with BallScore/BallStat and I have found some nice tennis brackets online since they usually use a best-of-five or best-of-three format.