Some news on the upcoming July 19th Chicagoland APBA Tournament. A reminder… here are the rules announced by tournament organizer, Jim Saska. If you’re planning on attending, learn them and commit them to memory (or at least go over them).
There’s also a new way to register this time around. If you are planning to attend the Tournament event or just need some info and have some questions, fill out the the Tournament Registration and Info form. Assuming you know what team you want to play at the tourney, it should take only a few minutes to fill out the form. There will be a field to enter the team you want to play but if you’re not sure yet, that’s ok. There’s also a field to ask Jim and fellow co-organizer Doug Schuyler (shown above rolling his Yankees to the semi-finals at the last tournament) any questions you might have. You will need to leave your name and email address so the organizers can contact you.
FYI Jim and Doug, I’m looking forward to coming but since I’m on vacation this week, I’m going to wait till I get home before making a decision on what team I’m bringing.
Who’s all coming and what team are you bringing?