Pujols deal paying off… so far
Weird Card Wednesday: 1978 Skip Lockwood
Divisions are set for Twin Cities APBA Baseball Tournament-III!!
Jim Fraasch, organizer of the Twin Cities APBA Baseball Tournament, sends an update on the third tournament in the series. The divisions are now set! Jim writes: Here is the latest update on TCABT-III, being held Saturday, April 4th, 2015. While 15 entrants is not the big number, as you…
Terrible Card Tuesday: 1989 Greg Myers
Monster Card Monday: 2013 Matt Carson
Fix your Colon: APBA releases 2014 Baseball corrections

If you have already, you can download the corrected cards for the 2014 APBA Baseball set. You download them from the APBA Company website. There are six players affected: David Hale Christopher Valaika Homer Bailey Bartolo Colon Jason Frasor Jerry Sands Some are minor corrections. I’m still trying to figure…