Perfect game alert: Diamond pitches a perfect gem in Boys of Summer APBA League
Excel users: Try my spreadsheet for keeping baseball stats
Weird Card Wednesday: 1984 Miguel Dilone
Terrible Card Tuesday: 1983 Doug Gwosdz
Lou Brock keys NL win in Mel’s 1967 All-Star Game
Monster Card Monday: 1934 Rip Collins
MCM vs. TCT Game 6: Blass and Jackson make it Terribly CLOSE, 6-2

Game 6 provided a bit of interest in my Monsters-Terribles season. Is the tide turning? Up until this point, the Monsters have averaged 18 runs per game. However with a pitching performance by ‘73 Steve Blass that can only be described as absolutely mediocre, the Monsters 6-2 was remotely interesting…