Terrible Card Tuesday: 1930 Ben Sankey
Monster Card Mea Culpa: 1941 Ted Williams
APBA Baseball group on FB gets a special visitor
Brando nearing the end of his 1930 replay
Last MCM vs. TCT Poll! Vote for Monsters Outfielders!
This is it! I’m saving the best poll for last. This is the poll for the Monsters Outfield (more info on my project here). I admit I had to prune it down a bit. All-Star sluggers like Hank Aaron and Sammy Sosa as well as Monster cards like 1968 Gates…
Terrible Card Tuesday: 1964 Al Luplow
Monster Card Monday: 1933 Joe Lillard
BATS no-hitter by Jim Currie
Jim Currie wrote me about his first APBA no-hitter using the BATS 2 set. Have enjoyed your blog for years!Thanks for creating it!..Thoughtcha might like t ‘ post my first APBA no hitter…What a game!…Here’s the write up for you t ‘ peruse if you’d like.Have a great day! All…