Craig Small’s new project: The TGA Tour using APBA Golf

Think of this as an APBA League for Golf. Craig Small is spearheading an ambitious project involving the APBA Golf Game. It’s an interactive tournament which will include APBA players from everywhere using different pro golfers and courses. Craig is calling it the Tabletop Golf Association Tour or TGA Tour…
Mel’s 1967 AL replay: Halfway done!
Weird Card Wednesday: 1970 error correction card
Terrible Card Tuesday: 1970 Tony LaRussa
Monster Card Monday: 1908 Ed Walsh
BBW’s A.I.M: A quick intro from a newbie
Terribles vs Monsters poll: Vote for Monsters Thirdbaseman!
I am so ready to play my Terribles vs Monsters series, I can taste it! Three more polls to go. Now, you get your chance to vote on the Monsters thirdbaseman. For a while, this position had been ignored by the Hall of Fame and had few inductees (that’s been…