Monster Card Monday: 1911 Joe Jackson
Who has the K, R, ZZ and 14* in the 2013 baseball set?
As some of you know, the baseball data disk doesn’t allow for extrapolation for the pitcher ratings of R, K and ZZ as well as the steal asterisks on batting cards. With the arrival of the new set, we now know who has these ratings. Reader John Briggs who just…
Flashback Friday: APBA World Series Baseball Game booklet
With Tom Zuppa’s help, APBA fans hold mock balloting for HOF
Weird Card Wednesday: 1975 Don Hopkins

I almost didn’t have a Weird Wednesday column lined up for this week but Kevin Burghardt from Janesville, Wisconsin just posted this interesting card on Facebook. Kevin says this is “one of Charlie Finley’s designated pinch runners, this one not named Herb Washington”. Indeed. This Don Hopkins card is based…