Flashback Friday: 1965 glossy APBA Football brochure

This contribution from Scott Veatch’s vault is quite a treat.  Released in 1965, it’s a sleek, colorful brochure touting the fun you can have with APBA Football.  This engaging piece uses catchy phrases like “Now The Pro League Comes To You” and “The Passing Averages Are Unbelievably Similar” and “Every…

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Chris Witt’s adjusted pitching grades for 1901

For a good while now, there’s been a flurry of comments on one of Scott Fennessy’s columns and a good APBA/deadball discussion is brewing.  There was talk of season compatibility and even adjustments to pitchers’ ratings to make them more accurate and realistic.  Chris Witt provides a tangible outcome from…

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Flashback Friday: 1965 testimonials from APBA Football fans

“Your insidious products are more habit forming than cigarettes, more home-wrecking than other women.  For six years I have been in the clutches of your baseball game and now I’m back for seconds on football, after holding out until opening day, nearly.  There should be a Congressional investigation.” a testimonial…

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APBA in the News: Coverage of the Chicagoland Tournament

This photo and caption recently appeared in the Woodstock Independent:   I’m not sure how “quiet” we were but given it was held at a library, I understand the joke.  Fortunately for other Woodstock Library patrons, the tournament was held in the basement far from those intent on reading.  Pictured is…

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