Chris Witt’s adjusted pitching grades for 1901

For a good while now, there’s been a flurry of comments on one of Scott Fennessy’s columns and a good APBA/deadball discussion is brewing. There was talk of season compatibility and even adjustments to pitchers’ ratings to make them more accurate and realistic. Chris Witt provides a tangible outcome from…
Thunderchickens don’t let Molly Putts power surge get them down
Flashback Friday: 1965 testimonials from APBA Football fans

“Your insidious products are more habit forming than cigarettes, more home-wrecking than other women. For six years I have been in the clutches of your baseball game and now I’m back for seconds on football, after holding out until opening day, nearly. There should be a Congressional investigation.” a testimonial…
Happy Thanksgiving!
APBA in the News: Coverage of the Chicagoland Tournament
Terrible Card Tuesday: 1964 Joe Morgan
Monster Card Monday: 1957 Hank Aaron
Jim Saska sparks memory of 1998 APBA personalized name tag
Boog thrills, F-Robbie disappoints at Chicagoland Tournament

I finally got around to calculating the stats for my 1966 Baltimore Orioles from last week’s Chicagoland Tournament. The results weren’t all pretty. I felt that my division partner and eventual tournament winner Scott Fennessy dragged my Orioles into the deadball era with his 1905 New York Giants. In our…