League Profile: APBA Patriot League
Terrible Card Tuesday: 1934 Herman ‘Flea’ Clifton
New APBA boards redesign officially announced

A look at the newly redesigned diamond for APBA Baseball… APBA has announced via their latest newsletter that they are rebuilding the APBA Baseball and APBA Football games. Via the newsletter, here are the pertinent details: “We are rebuilding these games. There are no changes to the boards, except the…
Monster Card Monday: 1977 Rod Carew
Photos of Sgt Dan’s Dice Tower!
Coordinating drafting for leagues (and for solitaire projects)
APBA Fan Profile: SCBL’s Dan Velderrain
The not-so-blockbuster deal I won’t regret
League talk: Bryce Harper goes #1 in the 2013 AABA draft
The results of the recent draft of the All American Baseball Association had been recently sent to our league’s email list. Seeing as they use very similar draft eligibility rules as we do, we paid close attention. Our contact and friend at AABA is commissioner Nick Tegeler who has been…