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Remembering Seitz
Derek Jeter approaching milestone in MWBL
I love these kinds of APBA stories. Stray Corrado points out that in his Mid-West Baseball League, Derek Jeter is only 80 hits away from 3000 for his career in league play. That’s pretty amazing if you think about it. It’s a testament to Jeter. To accomplish 2920 hits in…
Lonborg no-hitter highlighting Mel M.’s 1967 Master Game replay
Sometimes, a big event in your APBA replay is too good not to share with others. Such is the case with Mel M. who writes to tell us about his 1967 Master Game baseball replay. Mel writes: Hi Tom, I’m still plugging away with my 1967 MG replay. I’ve played…
Monster Card Monday: 1938 Jimmie Foxx
Solving life’s mysteries: who was the APBA t-shirt model?
Tyler Colvin: Batting .142, he won’t be getting any IAL All-Star votes
I’m chronicling the exploits of Tyler “51-13” Colvin as he makes it through the 2012 season on my IAL Twin City Thunderchickens. Check me out, I’m getting my Illowa APBA League stats five days ahead of time! That’s atypical of me. I usually wait till 11:30pm of the deadline date…