Craig Small’s All-Time Greats APBA Golf Tournament
Continuing our recent flurry of replay re-caps, Craig Small wrote me an sent in a summary of his All-Time Greats APBA Golf Tournament. He’s also going to expand on that and is asking for input from readers. -Tom by Craig Small Hello, everyone. I just wrapped up my inaugural All-Time…
Yanks-Giants matchup in Mike Bunch’s 1962 postseason baseball replay
Yesterday I posted some stats from Mike Bunch’s 1962 full season replay. Mike wrote back with a follow-up including some background on his 1960s project and what happened in the ensuing World Series between the Yankees and the Giants. Here is his summary. -Tom by Mike Bunch This is my…
Mike Bunch continues his 60s replay project with 1962
It’s looking like Replay Week at The APBA Blog. First we had a great writeup from Scott Fennessy on his 1901 APBA replay (plus a World Series followup). Now we’re turning the clocks ahead 61 years and taking a look at 1962. Mike Bunch, our commissioner of the Illowa APBA…
Scott Fennessy’s 1901 ‘World Series that should have been’
A couple days ago, I posted a detailed summary Scott Fennessy wrote up about his 1901 replay. If you haven’t read it, I encourage you to do so (here is the link). Not only is it a great read but there is some good discussion going on in the comments…
Release date announced for APBA Baseball 5.75
The APBA Company has announced the tentative release date of APBA Baseball 5.75: The release version of APBA Baseball for Windows 5.75 is now being reviewed. Assuming no issues, the CD will be sent to a commercial duplicator to prepare the CDs on Monday, August 6. It will take six…
Unlucky APBA Dice Guy pinch hits
Geoff Schmitt’s Tournaments using Golf for Windows
Geoff Schmitt contacted me to let us know about his Golf Tournament he’s doing using APBA Golf for Windows. This is a first and I’m intrigued… Golf for Windows. Here is the relevant data from Geoff: League Name Geoff’s Golf Tournaments Contact Person Geoff Schmitt Sport Golf # of teams…