Check out APBA Football Notes for some good info
I’ve just been skimming through Geoffrey Giordano’s APBA Football Notes on his Facebook fan page and there some really good stuff there. He even has some baseball related content. I especially enjoyed his piece on Ed Zack and the 20th anniversary of his Ultimate Handbook of APBA Baseball Cards. My…
Reader has a Master Game Baseball question
Got this question from reader Garret. It’s been too many years since I’ve played the Master Game: I have master game rules question …The rules say with a runner at first, the pitcher can pitch from a stretch and prevent a steal of home… Does his grade decrease? Is there…
Some useful APBA links (and a side tangent on APBA Google SEO)
Monster Card Monday: 2004 Barry Bonds
Pre-convention news including Nationals game
At the Between the Lines forum, Francis Rose has some news regarding a pre-convention get together: The convention opens Friday evening, July 20, in Lancaster. Information at I am hosting a Pre-Convention Warmup at Nationals Park in Washington, DC on Thursday, July 19th vs. the Mets. First pitch is…
The Great APBA Fan Survey: Follow-up
Yesterday, I finally posted the last set of results from The Great APBA Fan Survey. If you missed any, I’m putting links to each set below so you can check them out. A few final comments and acknowledgements First, I would like to thank everyone for participating. The response was…
The Great APBA Fan Survey: Final Comments from you
In the Great APBA Fan Survey the last section allowed you to type any comments you wanted about the survey, The APBA Blog, or the APBA Company. I’m simply copying them wholesale so you can read them. APBA needs to pick up the pace or get left behind. Good…
APBA in the News: Some coaches learn from APBA
I just ran across this article in my news feed: Legendary coach chases his passion. It’s about Terry Changuris, the high school baseball coach being recognized for his 158-31 record and seven state championships. What helped foster Changuris’ love of baseball as a kid? You bet. It was APBA.…
I totally would watch this if they played APBA…
l watched a few YouTube episodes of Table Talk and found it a rather fun and unique concept idea for a show. Basically, it gathers a few online personalities together to play a popular tabletop board game and jazzes it up with witty conversation and even throws in hints about…