Saturday morning links you might enjoy
Just passing on a few links some of you might find fun/helpful: hasn’t forgotten their baseball history and even better, they write about it. Almost daily. I’ve been following El Beisbol: The Story of Latinos in Baseball on Facebook. It’s eventually going to be a two-hour documentary on PBS. …
MLB Managers didn’t have APBA cards to help them in 1966
Coming soon: The Great APBA Fan Survey (I’m taking question suggestions)
Hi all, I’m giving you heads up to a project I’m starting for The APBA Blog. I’m calling it the Great APBA Fan Survey because that pretty much what it is. Some time in the near future I will go live with an online survey which will ask all APBA…
Things found while cleaning
Monster Card Monday: 1989 Cris Carpenter
Couple of APBA Football Nuggets
On his new APBA Football website Oguard’s Replays, Greg Barath has a new tool called a QB Completion Calculator. Greg says: “With that being said, it’s still fun trying to “guess” the production of a QB’s card whether it’s for an upcoming league draft or a solitaire replay. Attached is…