It’s hot stove league season for APBA leagues!
Since many leagues are finished with their 2011 season (or are wrapping it up), there is no doubt trade talk going on for the upcoming 2012 season. I just want to point folks to this post I did almost a couple years ago entitled “10 tips for trading in an…
’59 APBA Football Game on Ebay going… going…
I was told there would be no math: Extrapolating winning percentages in single team replays
Forgive me, I’m putting forth a mathematical case study here. One that I don’t know the answer. Maybe somebody can set me straight. Say you’re doing a replay of a 162-game season for just one team. During the course of the season, the team you are playing as well as…
League Profile: Franchise Owners APBA League (FOAL)
Larry Olson just sent me information on a new league starting up called Franchise Owners APBA League. A quick look at the FOAL: League Name Franchise Owners APBA League (FOAL) Contact Person Larry Olson Sport Baseball # of teams 15 Year of inception 2011 Basic/Master/Computer/ Combination Basic Game Out of…
What program or method do you use to keep stats?
The APBA Blog reader Brad Richards sent in a question: “I love your blog and have been reading it for a couple of years now. I was wondering if you know of any computer software to use for scorekeeping/stat keeping. I have a MacBook and have been looking for someway…
Herson thread on Between The Lines
I just got around to skimming the “Ask John” thread in the APBA-Between the Lines forum. For those who haven’t been on in a while (like me), APBA CEO John Herson has opened up the floodgates for questions of any kind and indeed, it was a flood. There were at…