Strat-O-Matic turning 50
APBA’s rival tabletop sports gaming company, Strat-O-Matic will be celebrating its 50th birthday this year. Tom Van Riper of Forbes has a nice article on SOM. His first paragraph pretty much sums up why many of us tabletop sports fans play the game. Why do all we sports fans…
Some good stats resources for replayers
Recently, I got into an email discussion with Brian C of the Bridesburg Boys and Girls Baseball Baseball League about replays and such. The topic of canonical standards for replays came up. What is considered a REAL replay? My answer simply was that any replay that the player does that…
The APBA Blog has a Facebook page
The APBA Blog has a Facebook page now. Those of you who use use the social networking website can now join us. There is much potential for this, I suppose but the main advantage of this is that those of you on Facebook will get notifications whenever The APBA Blog…
2010 by the numbers: Hitting
Well last week, I broke down pitching for the 2010 APBA Baseball Card set and a few days ago I did a similar article on fielding. It is time to look at hitting. I have to admit this was a lot more complicated and even more fun (offense always is). …
2010 by the numbers: Fielding
A few days ago, I delved into the pitchers of the 2010 APBA baseball season, breaking them down by the numbers. Today for our next installment of “2010 by the numbers”, we’ll switch gears and take a look at fielding. Some surprises maybe only because I haven’t looked at them…
2010 Baseball Cards are out!!
A little help: Walt from OAPBA is picking his All-Stars from the 60s
Let’s give Walt Taylor from OAPBA a hand. He’s halfway through his solitaire 1960’s Project and needs a little help picking out the All-Stars. I’ll let him tell you about it in his own words: Good Evening! I enjoy stopping by your blog to get information and your perspective on…
2010 by the numbers: Pitchers
I just got a chance to look over the card numbers extracted from the 2010 disk. Since I did it last year for the 2009 set, I thought I’d do a series of articles breaking down the “cards” number-wise. Today, I’ll start with the pitchers. As an FYI, these figures…
Red red red…
is it too red? I’ve been thinking that the APBA Blog’s site background was beginning to look a little too pale white so I added some color. Comments welcome. Also let me know if I broke anything (always a distinct possibility) in the process.