How do APBA pitchers get their strikeout and control ratings?
APBA Co plays Santa for Bridesburg Boys and Girls Club
The APBA Company had a chance to do good for some boys and girls and really came through. It started back when Brian Cavanaugh submitted a league profile to the APBA Blog for the Bridesburg Boys and Girls Club Baseball League and a few days later I wrote a quick…
League Profile: American Baseball League (ABL)
Every time I see the web presence of an APBA league, I’m impressed for one reason or another. This time it’s the American Baseball League or ABL, for short. If you see their web site, you can see that they’re going for an Reference feel they’re going for and…
League Profile: The APBA League (A.P.B.A.L.)
Hugh Brown writes The APBA Blog about his league simply called the APBA League (or A.P.B.A.L. for short). The A.P.B.A.L. has been around for a good long time, 1960 to be specific. Their website claims (and as far I know, I can’t dispute them) they are “the world’s oldest face-to-face…
What tempts me to make an APBA league trade
Trade season is open in our league now. I just got my first trade offer for the 2011 season. Oh, I’ve gotten inquiries and the “I’ve got this guy, what do need?” talk before. Today though, I got my first firm offer. Two players for two players. To protect the…
Misc. and Etc.
Just a few things I want to cover: Plug for APBA Between the Lines Most of you already know about Delphi’s APBA- Between the Lines forum. However, judging from some of the emails I get, there are plenty of APBA fans out there who haven’t heard of it. I’d hazard…
APBA in the News: David Eisenhower mentions APBA in his new book
This Washington Post review of David Eisenhower’s new book, Going Home to Glory: A Memoir of Life With Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1961 to 1969, mentions the well-known fact that David was a big APBA Baseball fan in his younger days. Eisenhower, a bookish 62-year-old with a soft, round face…
What’s the point to keeping a historical stats archive for your league?
Followup on the Bridesburg Boys and Girls Club APBA League
Yesterday, I posted a league profile of the Bridesburg Boys and Girls Club Baseball League based in Philadelphia. Brian Cavanaugh, who is their contact person, followed up with me and gave me some good details on their season from this year. He writes: “After a couple of days worth of…