The Butler did it! Dick Butler’s 1977 Phils + 1919 Babe Ruth win Prairieland 2!

Last Saturday, 22 APBA fans descended on a Drury Inn to participate in a APBA baseball tournament dubbed Prairieland 2.  It was the second of its kind held in Champaign-Urbana, Illinois.  This year’s theme?  Participants could draft one MLB team from 1970-2000 with one hitch… they could also draft any…

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Aaron Radlinski’s 1902 Pirates win Greater Michigan tourney!

Last weekend was the third annual Greater Michigan APBA Baseball Tournament which was founded, organized and hosted by Pastor Rich Zawadzki.  If all the reports are true, he puts on quite a tournament.  A total of 38 teams participated in the tournament which might be a record for a regional…

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No foolin’! Two APBA tourneys on April 1

First of all, I want to wish everyone who is attending Pastor Rich Zawadzki’s Greater Michigan APBA Baseball Tournament good luck.  You might think the “Greater” is a geographical reference but from what I hear, it is indeed one of best tournaments out there. Rich has an amazing total of…

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