Monster Card Monday: 1946 Monte Irvin
Locomotives advance to Boys of Summer NLCS!

Saturday was quite a day baseball-wise. Last night was the University of Illinois annual Hot Stove Banquet which is always one the highlights of my winter. It was especially exciting since Dodgers star Steve Garvey was the keynote speaker. Earlier in the morning though, my Urbana Locomotives were facing off…
Jim Saska hosting Greater Richmond Virginia APBA Baseball Tournament February 20th
Boys of Summer postseason: LeMahieu’s bases-loaded triple forces a Game 5

LeMahieu keeps the Locos’ playoff season alive Fans of The Boys of Summer APBA League Division series postseason teams are quite excited. Both the National League and the American League Division series playoffs are going the distance and will play a game 5. Brandon Matlock’s South Side Spartans won the…