Tournament Organizer Roundtable #3: Rules!

From the second annual Robert Henry Memorial Tournament, held in 2014. Standing facing the camera (L-R) are the late Hall of Famer Veryl Lincoln and Hall of Famer Skeet Carr presenting an APBA Game Company Special Achievement Award to Brian Cavanaugh of the Philadelphia Boys and Girls Club Bridesburg Unit,…

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Tournament Organizer Roundtable #2: Creative juices

At one point, Ken Schulz was worried about attendance to the Linda B Schulz Memorial APBA Baseball Tournament.  Nice turnout! The first time around with our nine tournament organizers, I asked them about the origins of their respective tournaments.  If you haven’t read their responses, you really should check out…

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Tournament Organizer Roundtable #1: Tournament origins

Players compete at the November ’15 Chicagoland APBA Tournament APBA competitive tournaments have been around for years. The APBA Game Company has held them since the 1970’s. The core concept of a tournament is simple. You get APBA fans together in one location and each has a team. Through a…

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