Randy Egan wins battle of the Dodgers at the Toledo Glass City APBA Baseball tournament

Tournament winner Randy Egan (left) is handed the trophy by organizer Ron Emch Last weekend, Randy Egan’s 1953 Brooklyn Dodgers defeated Nathan Mikkelson’s 2013 Los Angeles Dodgers for the Toledo Glass City APBA Baseball tournament.  With 20 teams participating ranging from Joe Schuetz 1905 New York Giants to two teams…

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Nate Shields wins 3rd annual Robert Henry Tournament; Bridesburg APBA League collaboration takes “a life of its own”

Congratulations to Nate Shields who piloted the 1913 Athletics to a championship at the 3rd annual Robert Henry Memorial Tournament.  The tournament featured sixteen members of the Bridesburg Boys and Girls Club as well as twenty-two “grown-ups” (but kids at heart).  Brian Cavanaugh, who has incorporated APBA baseball with his…

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