Monster Card Monday: 1929 Al Simmons
Nate Shields wins 3rd annual Robert Henry Tournament; Bridesburg APBA League collaboration takes “a life of its own”

Congratulations to Nate Shields who piloted the 1913 Athletics to a championship at the 3rd annual Robert Henry Memorial Tournament. The tournament featured sixteen members of the Bridesburg Boys and Girls Club as well as twenty-two “grown-ups” (but kids at heart). Brian Cavanaugh, who has incorporated APBA baseball with his…
Weird Card Wednesday: 1970 Bobby Grich
Ron Emch ready for the Glass City APBA Baseball Tournament
Rod Caborn’s report on his 1911 NL replay is really worth a read…
Monster Card Monday: 1883 Dan Brouthers
So what happened after Ryu’s IAL no-hitter?

My Twin City Thunderchickens finished their nine-game series with Rob Moore’s Chicago Highlanders this morning. If you remember, Ryu came through with a complete game no-hitter in Game 4 after we lost the first three games. Well, it was a little frustrating. Rob’s Highlanders were unable to score (or hit)…