Neil Ess Memorial Twin Cities APBA Baseball Tournament IV set for October 3rd

Mark your calendar! Jim Fraasch just sent out this press release! NEIL ESS MEMORIAL TWIN CITIES APBA BASEBALL TOURNAMENT IV Saturday, October 3rd, 2015 The date has been announced for the 4th semi-annual Twin Cities APBA Baseball Tournament: Saturday, October 3rd, 2015 – 8:30am start time (arrive starting at 8:00am,…
Everyone’s a winner in Brando’s 4th of July Weekend Skype APBA Tournament
Skoff, Duke, McEvoy are enshrined into the APBA Hall of Fame

As of the last APBA National Convention which took place on June 26-28 in Alpharetta, Georgia the APBA Hall of Fame grew again. That weekend, three members of the APBA community were enshrined into the Hall which includes some rather esteemed individuals. Kevin Cluff, the hard-working moderator of the APBA…
The Language of APBA
Ron Emch is the go-to guy for APBA tutorials
One thing that I find difficult about introducing people to APBA is the playability factor between a new person to the game and an experienced player. It’s not that APBA Baseball (or any other APBA game) is that hard. It’s just that seasoned APBA players know the results so well…
Do you really want to roll a 6 in APBA?
Monster Card Monday: 2014 Andrew McCutchen
Kenn Tomasch’s new stadium is pretty awesome
I am really loving this YouTube video posted by Kenn Tomasch who created his own elaborate ballpark to roll his APBA dice. Built out of mostly common materials, Kenn’s new stadium has been named Al Lopez Field after Hall of Fame player and manager who hails from his home…
Preparations underway for first Toledo Glass City APBA Tournament

For those interested, Ron Emch is putting together an APBA Baseball tournament in Toledo, Ohio. The scheduled date is August 29th. Ron is billing it as the Toledo Glass City APBA Tournament I Here are the pertinent details… When: Saturday, August 29 at 9:00am – 5:00pm EDT Where: Maumee-Bowling Green…