A curious problem with the “the” search feature in Baseball Reference

I’m wondering if there is something going on with Baseball-Reference’s “the” feature.  Or more precisely, maybe it’s just being gamed.  For those not familiar with this fun feature, it works like this:  In the search bar, you can type in “the” proceeded by a portion of a player’s name.  Baseball…

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Passiatore wins sixth straight OAPBA title in ‘Black Friday Series’

Rod Caborn emails us about the futile attempt of the rest of the OAPBA League in keeping Joe Passiatore down.  Passiatore’s Platoon won their sixth straight OAPBA title.  Rod reports: Joe Passiatore’s Platoon (44-36) battled their way to their sixth consecutive OAPBA title in 2013, rebounding from a horrible start…

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Flashback Friday: 1965 glossy APBA Football brochure

This contribution from Scott Veatch’s vault is quite a treat.  Released in 1965, it’s a sleek, colorful brochure touting the fun you can have with APBA Football.  This engaging piece uses catchy phrases like “Now The Pro League Comes To You” and “The Passing Averages Are Unbelievably Similar” and “Every…

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