Boog thrills, F-Robbie disappoints at Chicagoland Tournament

I finally got around to calculating the stats for my 1966 Baltimore Orioles from last week’s Chicagoland Tournament.  The results weren’t all pretty.  I felt that my division partner and eventual tournament winner Scott Fennessy dragged my Orioles into the deadball era with his 1905 New York Giants.  In our…

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Tournament Terrible Card Tuesday: 1905 Offa Neal

In honor of Scott Fennessy’s win at the Chicagoland APBA Tournament, I present Theophilus Fountain “Offa” Neal of the 1905 New York Giants.  Baseball Reference has his first name primarily listed as just “Offa”.  I was playing my second series of our divisional at the tournament on Saturday and sitting…

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Is deadball dead? Nope. Scott Fennessy and his 1905 Giants take Chicagoland Tournament

I’m not sure where to start.  With so much happening at yesterday’s amazing Chicagoland Tournament, there is so much to talk about.  I’ll probably stretch it out over a couple articles.  For now, we’ll start with the “official” press release. Clark Eichman (left) and Scott Fennessy wish each other luck…

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