Dylan H takes Bridesburg League 2013 championship!
Monster Card Monday: 1973 Barry Foote
Hothead Drysdale
APBA Footballers rolling in Canton this weekend!
1905 Chicago Cubs replay update: Cubs pick off the Phils
Rod Caborn compiles data on his 17 APBA baseball replays
I consider replaying one APBA season a pretty good feat. Well, how about 17 seasons? Yes, Rod Caborn has completed a total of seventeen replays in addition, by the way, to managing a team in the OAPBA League. We recently covered his latest replay, the deadball season of 1883. Not…
APBA Football Club does a ‘Reveal and Review’ of revised Football Game
Geoff Giordano from the APBA Football Club does a thorough job in his “Reveal and Review” of the new revised APBA basic Football Game that just came out. Football fans should definitely check out the video he posted on YouTube. Geoff’s review is pretty positive though he does have…