Monster Card Monday: 1905 Cy Seymour

  Our resident deadball expert Scott Fennessy who writes Scott’s Olde Tyme Baseball Update column, suggested this card.  It’s Cincinnati outfielder Cy Seymour of 1905. Seymour’s career is somewhat interesting.  For his 16-year career he was a decent offensive threat who hit .303.  For six years straight, he hit .300…

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APBA Blog Mail Bag: What are the real names of the replacement players of the 90s?

Keith Shetter… err, Matt Herges Does anyone remember watching Joey Laker play Major League Baseball?  How about Sonny Pearl?  Or (heh) Lancaster St. James? Me neither.  That’s because they’re not real ballplayers.  However, the casual fan wouldn’t know better had they been browsing the cards of the 1990s. Rob emailed…

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