New APBA Co. website design
Rules posted for the 2012 Convention Tournament
Francis Rose announced that the rules for the 2012 Convention Tournament have now been posted. You can see them at the Convention website. Nothing too dramatically different. First of all, you’re not limited as far as team selection: “Any STOCK team from a complete season card set issued by APBA…
Monster Card Monday: 1916 Limb McKenry
Take the Great APBA Fan Survey!
Boring Blog Miscellanea (yeah, it’s still me)
I’ve changed the way that my name appears on The APBA Blog. It will no longer show up as The Baseball Zealot. Instead you’ll see my full name, Thomas Nelshoppen. I’m letting everyone know just so you know it’s the same person. The nom de plume “The Baseball Zealot” came…
A working list of all 3B-2 players
There was a thread on our league’s internal mailing list that got me thinking about this. Something about Miguel Cabrera’s current glovework at third base during spring training. That got us on who in the history of APBA has gotten the dreaded 3B-2 rating. Our list is incomplete. Hell, it…
Past Baseball Digests online
Chalk up another one for my buddy, Chuck. He pointed me to a 1966 Baseball Digest article about Koufax and Marichal I might be interested in because of my replay. But that not the coolest part. Turns out that the Baseball Digests are all online for our perusal. So for…