66 Connection has videos of APBA employees appreciation dinner
Francis Rose over at 66Connection.com has some good videos of an Appreciation Dinner held in honor of long time employees of APBA Veryl Lincoln and Skeet Carr. Scott Lehotsky, who was responsible for the video “Of Dice and Men”, produced the video. Rose breaks up the video into three parts. …
My open HOF ballot for the IAL
Starter/reliever splits data for 2011
John Briggs of the Roberto Clemente Memorial Baseball Association writes: I’ve been doing the pitcher splits for innings as starter & reliever for many many years. I used to do it for the APBA Journal for their last ten years or so and I still do it for our…
1930 Cubs vs Dodgers: “who put the 12 on the 14?”
Going old school today
Bridesburg Boys and Girls Club Summer League finishes second season
Brian Cavanaugh updates us on the completion of the second season of the Bridesburg Boys and Girls Club Summer Baseball which is based in the Philadelphia area. For those who haven’t read about the Bridesburg Boys and Girls League before, Brian organizes kids at the local Boys and Girls Club…
Basic Game Modifications: The Unusual Play Card and Error Chart
2011 Baseball Carded List Out!
OAPBA finishes regular season play… Playoffs underway
Rod Caborn sends us an update on the Orlando APBA League which is heading into its postseason: The Orlando APBA Association has wrapped up its 24th season with the conclusion of regular season play this past October. 10. (Face-to-face, 80 game season, three-divisions, total nine teams, five in playoffs).…