Lucky Tyler
Call for questions for Herson interview
APBA CEO John Herson has just agreed to do another interview with The APBA Blog. With the transition of APBA to its new home in Georgia and other major changes, I thought this would be a good time to ask some questions. I appreciate Mr Herson taking his time to…
IAL Hall of Fame nominees announced
As I mentioned earlier, the Illowa APBA League annual All-Star weekend is rapidly approaching. Since the All-Star Game is all about recognizing IAL players’ performances, it only makes sense that we also vote for new IAL Hall of Fame members at this time. Our league’s rules state that a player…
Could the 2011 Phillies have 3 Grade A starters?
Brian Cavanagh can finally take his mind off the weather in Philly and focus on important things like baseball and APBA. He writes: what do you think the chances are that the Phillies will have 3-4 “A” starters next season???? It’s a fair question. Here are some relevant…
Buying, selling used APBA cards
I got an email from Richard with a question: I am interested in selling my APBA baseball 1975 complete set with xb’s , lineup sheet and master game symbols in the original team envelopes.Can you give me any info on doing this? I’d have to say of all…
Let me hear from you
I’ve added a new improved contact form for The APBA Blog (as opposed to a simple email address). I hope it comes in useful. My point of this? Feel free to use it. I’d love to hear from anyone who has an opinion about APBA (believe me, I know you’re…
All-Star Game is around the corner for the IAL
APBA says goodbye to Lancaster
credit: Roy Langhans As of yesterday, the APBA Game Company office in Lancaster was closed. 66 Connection has a write up on this. The contents of the office were packed up into a moving van and made their way to its new home in the Atlanta area. Long time APBA…
I chatted with Brian Cavanaugh from the Bridesburg Boys and Girls Club Summer League over Facebook this morning. We talked about a few things but Brian mentioned the impending coming of Irene. Brian lives in Philadelphia and from the looks of it, Philly will be getting it hard. I just…