2010 IAL Trade Analysis
Getting Championed over Skype
2010 IAL Rookie Draft Review
IAL Draft Weekend: Congrats Tedd and his Chicago Champions!
Draft Day: signs of desperation
With the Illowa APBA League draft convention one day away, it’s beginning to be crunch time. I have six pitchers and just one graded starter on my pitching staff at this point. The only good news is that I have six draft picks including the #1 pick, for our upcoming…
New APBA blog
I just ran across a new blog called Dice Rolling Games. Its focus seems to on APBA and the Filsinger wrestling games (honestly, never heard it myself). Stop on by and say hi.
UTABL Top Ten Fun
The UTABL, a league based in Lancaster, had a little fun on their blog in anticipation of their upcoming weekend get-together held presumably at a cabin . They posted a “Top Ten Cabin Predictions”. Take number 1 for example: 1) Someone will attempt to destroy a set of dice. …
Maris question
APBA is showing up everywhere
I found this ad for the ABA League on Active Rain, a Real Estate social network site. It’s sounds fun.. It concludes: We cap off our Convention on Sunday @the Blue Oyster Diner in Oxford Valley Mall area and our league Commissioner(Jerry) leaves to preach at his church !!!…