I get a grade A request
Tim from Chicago sent me an email today saying he’s going to be in a tournament using seasons from 1975-2008. Long story short, he’d like to know if there is a database or listing of grade A pitchers by year. I’m pretty sure the Ed Zack book documents this but…
APBA Card "Who am I?"
Some past APBA mentions in the press
Opening Day won’t be here for another three months but since the 2008 cards and disks are out, APBA league play and replays can now commence. In that spirit, here are links to some past (dare I call them historical?) articles on the game of APBA in the mainstream press. …
APBA Card of the Week: 08 Carlos Zambrano
APBA league historical record-keeping and documentation: it’s worth it
O.Z. League manager Dom Provisiero and I have been in contact the past few weeks on the issue of keeping historical stats and other relevant for leagues. This has been an interest of mine for a while so I thought I’d share my thoughts. Accumulating the Data Documenting your…
Comparing APBA League Drafts
Our league won’t be drafting till sometime in March but with the release of the 2008 season disk, I’m sure there will be some leagues beginning their seasons soon (if not already). I’m opening this post up for APBA leagues who are drafting in the upcoming year to let all…
League Profile: Mail 3 League
The Illowa APBA League has been around nearly 35 years. It started out as an eight team draft league, fell apart after 120 games in its inaugural season, only to rebound strong. I urge you to checkout at www.illowaapbaleague.com In the olden days, there were mail, as well as face-to-face…