League Profile: Illowa APBA League
Now that I’ve gotten around to updating the Illowa APBA League website, I figured it’s time to brag about my own league. The IAL is in its 33rd season and we enjoy a rich history. First the sordid details: League Name Illowa APBA League Contact Person Thomas Nelshoppen League Website…
NCAA Cards Available for College Baseball fans
I blogged about this a while back on The Baseball Zealot but it’s worth a mention here. For those who are both APBA players and fans of college baseball (I fit both categories… Go Illini!!), you might be interested in Steve Guthrie’s NCAA Baseball Cards web site. Using Brian Davis’…
League Draft Order methods
There are a few ways APBA keeper leagues can determine draft order for rookie drafts. Depending on how it’s done, it can emphasize league parity or competition. I thought I’d run through the methods our league (the Illowa APBA League) has tried (or considered trying) throughout our history with…
APBA Card of the Week: 1953 Al Kaline
APBA Hockey
I got the APBA Game Co. monthly eNewsletter today. Highlighting their communiqué was the announcement that we can pre-order Pro Hockey Board Game. I’m not a huge hockey fan (but I’ve been known to watch a game or two) and I’ve never played APBA Hockey. That said, when I was…
League Profile: Patriot League
Steve Liles contacts us from back East about the Patriot League. An interesting facet about this Virginia-based, master game league is the salary structure they use which also implements the salary cap. Here’s the scoop on the Patriot League: League Name Patriot League Contact Person Steve Liles Sport Baseball #…
Mark Miller has the goods for the APBA replayer
At the last Illowa APBA League All-Star weekend, fellow manager, CLuke told me of this cool website he ran across that makes available team rosters, transactions, lineups and pitching rotations for pretty much every year of modern baseball. He said he used it to help with his 1959 APBA replay.…
APBA in the Wild
I always enjoy seeing APBA mentioned in the news media even if it’s just briefly. First, any PR for the game is good, in my opinion. Second, it’s interesting to see which sportswriters/athletes have played or encountered the game. This time it’s Tim Griffin who interestingly covers college football for…
Book: "The Eastern Colored League"
Seamheads.com has a book review of "The Eastern Colored League" by David Lawrence and Dom Denaro. I haven’t read the book but it has an APBA twist to it. The monograph project started with the authors wanting to improve upon the APBA set of 20 Greatest Negro League Teams…