Meet Joe Deauseault and Darren Schulz, the winners of the 2nd Annual Challenge!

This year, The APBA Blog sponsored the 2nd Annual Pitching Grade Challenge. Two APBA Blog readers correctly guessed the grades of 19 of the 20 pitchers in the Challenge. This year, the winners were Darren Schulz and Joe Deauseault. That’s Joe on the left and Darren on the right (far…

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Terrible Card Tuesday: 1973 Dwain Anderson

“Knock knock!” “Who’s there?” “Dwain.” “Dwain who?” “Dwain the bathtub! His hit numbers are dwowning!” It’s been a while since a while since I’ve had a Terrible Tuesday column. Mel M. obliged with this 1973 Dwain Anderson card. I know my 1970s baseball pretty well but Dwain’s name escaped me.…

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