The 2021 set is out, the pitching grades are in and the ballots have been counted. When the dust settled, three APBA fans have come out winners in the 2021 APBA Blog Pitching Grade Challenge. Out of an amazing 242 participants, Mark Fitzkee, Shawn Robuccio, Nick Tegeler topped everyone with 95% rate of correct guesses.
Yes, they all guessed correctly on 19 of 20 pitchers.
Which ones did these gurus miss?
Mark’s one miss was Logan Gilbert, guessing a D. As for Shawn, he predicted a C for Lucas Giolito.
Nick’s very first vote, Ian Anderson, was incorrect. He went high, guessing a grade B. Nick rallied and correctly predicted the remaining 19 pitchers.
Congratulations to all three of these APBA smarties!
Special mention
I want to give some credit to those who came so close to winning it all. These APBA fans correctly guessed 18 of 20 pitching grades. It’s at least worth some bragging rights.
- Scott Miller
- David Macias
Nice work, guys!! Six more correctly predicted 17 out of 20.
All three of the winners have been notified. Thanks to John Herson and the APBA Game Company, each will receive a baseball card set of their choice. I want to express my gratitude to John for working with me on the Challenge each year. I enjoy doing this project and his contribution helps sweeten the pot.
Thanks also to all of you who voted! This year, participation in the Challenge was at an all-time high. The 242 entries beat last year’s record of 141 by over one hundred. In a day or two, I’ll be posting an all-encompassing analysis of the balloting.
For now, you can refer to the reveal posts I did over the weekend (or just buy the 2021 set on APBA GO).
Congratulations to Mark, Shawn and Nick!!
Will you be telling everyone who entered how many they got right?
Hi Ronald,
I’ll be writing up an overall summary but won’t be letting everyone know how they did on an individual basis.
When you voted, you should have received an email with your full ballot (check your spam filter if you can’t find it). You can compare with the official grades posted.
Thomas, thanks for running the contest. Lots of fun!
Hi Jesse!
thanks!! You will always be the charter winner of the Challenge in my book.