Rod’s Replay Insider #22: How to keep track of pitcher usage

Pitching stats, particularly the number of starts, is a key statistic in keeping track of what is going on in your replay. Starts, unlike total appearances (starts and/or relief appearances, provide you a means of ensuring that your pitching stats are correct and accurate. Simply stated, a team’s won-lost record…

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Rod’s Replay Insider #21: Regulating pitcher usage during a replay

Generally speaking baseball has evolved through three different periods on pitcher usage, centering around starting pitchers. Prior to 1900, starting pitchers usually pitched with one or two games rest, e.g. Hoss Radbourn, Pud Galvin, Tim Keefe and other 19th century greats. From around 1900 to the early ‘60s, starters worked…

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Rod’s Replay Insider #18: Researching player usage

The information on APBA baseball cards and the APBA’s yellow lineup sheet only gives you a limited amount of information. Fortunately, with the explosion of SABRmetrics, there is more information now available than anyone can digest. For replayers, the info available is great for helping to create guidelines for player…

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Rod’s Replay Insider #15: Organizing a binder notebook to help you manage your replay

Keeping your key information in one place is one way to better organize your replay. Start with an all-encompassing three-ring D binder book. There are lots of different sizes, but I use a one-and-a-half inch binder book. The D-ring specification may sound picky, but when you start going back and…

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Rod’s Replay Insider #14: A post-game protocol for recording replay information

In the past few blogs, we have stress the importance of organizing and maintaining accuracy in recording game scores on a day-by-day basis and keeping one’s standings up to date and accurate. Fall short in either area and count on eventually having to pore through your records trying to accurately…

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