Rod’s Replay Insider #12: How to approach playing a replay schedule: recording series

  Replays require a systematic approach to compiling information. Think about how much information you will be recording: Box scores for as many games are you are playing in your replay Daily standings for your replay Batting and pitching records for several hundred individual players Team batting and pitching records…

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Rod’s Replay Insider #11: An illustrated example of a simple box score methodology for replays

(click image for pdf version of box score)   The selection of a box score format is a key decision in setting up your system for conducting a replay. The format you choose has to be understandable, easy to record and, most important, easily convertible to a systematic cumulative stat-keeping…

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Rod’s Replay Insider #7: What stats to keep?

Baseball stats are a never-ending source of enjoyment for all of us. They started with the back sides of baseball cards and have graduated to Stats have birthed SABRmetrics and encouraged a myriad of books, websites, and other informative sources to measure how teams and players have performed. You…

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Jonathan Stilwell’s Otters win 2015 OAPBA season

OAPBA (Orlando APBA Association) has wrapped up their 2015 with Jonathan Stilwell’s Otters (55-25) running away with both halves to snare his first championship in the six-team league. Stilwell (right), who joined the league five years ago, dominated play in both halves, winning each half by five games over Walt…

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