How to access the News from APBA weekly newsletter

This past Sunday, I had the privilege of being a guest on Kevin and Kirk Weber’s Double Take podcast. Boy, that was fun! It was less an interview and more like three guys just chatting about APBA and baseball.

In case you missed it, Double Take has been re-branded by the Weber Twins as “An APBA Gaming Podcast” which I think is fantastic!

During my podcast episode, I sorta went on a gentle mini-rant on the dissemination of information by the APBA Company. I do feel that the Company is a little inconsistent in using the means made available to them (Twitter, Facebook, their website) to let customers know what is happening with new products and the APBA community as a whole.

That said… one of best official sources of information is the APBA Newsletter, specifically known as “News from APBA” or “This Week in APBA” (not to be confused with John Asalon’s excellent APBA podcast of the same name.) That being the case, I want to make sure all APBA fans have access to this info.

What is News from APBA?

News from APBA is a weekly recap from the APBA Game Company of what is happening in the APBA world both from the APBA Company perspective as well as the community itself. It includes changes in the APBA product line, news on any major updates.

News from APBA also includes fan-submitted items which centers around tournament updates and league news.

Again, this is one of best ways to get official news from the Company itself.

How can fans read News from APBA?

I receive the APBA newsletter via email. I did that browsing to the APBA Games Company website and submitting my email address in a small form on the right column.

It looks like this…

APBA Game Company uses a service called Constant Contact to deliver this email on a weekly basis. Constant Contact allows you to view this document on the web. In addition, you can also unsubscribe if you ever decide that News from APBA is not for you.

Facebook is another option to view News from APBA. Since News from APBA can be viewed on the web, it can be posted! I will give the Company due credit. They post each edition to their APBA Sports Games Facebook page. Feel free to follow them and that is another way to keep up with the latest news of APBA.

What are some examples of info found in News from APBA?

Here are just a few examples of what you might find in News from APBA.

These items were all part of this week’s News from APBA.

I would be remiss if I didn’t give Randy Coryer credit for all the work he does in putting this together. I’ve worked with Randy and he is a top-notch guy who provides a great service to the APBA community.

Thomas Nelshoppen

I am an IT consultant by day and an APBA media mogul by night. My passions are baseball (specifically Illini baseball), photography and of course, APBA. I have been fortunate to be part of the basic game Illowa APBA League since 1980 as well as a frequent participant of the Chicagoland APBA Tournament. I am slogging through a 1966 NL replay and hope to finish before I die.


  1. Used to receive it by email, but a few months ago it stopped coming. I enjoyed it and would like to resubscribe (I never actually unsubscribed). Thank you.

  2. Used to receive it by email, but a few months ago it stopped coming. I enjoyed it and would like to resubscribe (I never actually unsubscribed). Thank you.

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