Questions answered about the APBA Blog

In the spirit of the new year, I thought I would write up a quick summary of what the APBA Blog is all about for anyone who joined us in the past year. 

What is the APBA Blog?

The APBA Blog is a website that is geared towards the fans of the game.  It addresses issues around solo replays, tournaments, and league play.  While much of the content is baseball-oriented, I try to incorporate the other APBA sports as well. 

Who is responsible for The APBA Blog?

My name is Thomas Nelshoppen.  My family of four lives in Urbana, Illinois and I work for the University of Illinois as an IT consultant.  More to the point, I have played APBA since I was old enough that my older brother could teach it to me. 

I am also an avid photographer and my favorite sports team is the Illini Baseball team who play right across the street from my workplace.  Yes, I blog about them too

Why does the APBA Blog exist?

With this post back in 2008, I started the APBA Blog because of it was a “one-of-a kind”.  There were no other APBA blogs or websites other than the APBA Game Company’s site and the Between the Lines forum.  I wanted to share my individual perspective. 

Admittedly, it was a slow start but after a few years, the site picked up steam.  Now, many blogs and additional online forums have sprung up and I am so grateful for each one of them because that is indicative that the game is growing.

Is the APBA Blog affiliated with the APBA Game Company?

No, the APBA Blog is an independent website and not affiliated with the APBA Game Company (I have gotten a few emails mistaking me for the Company itself). 

I have on occasion given my differing opinion on APBA matters.  That said, this is a fan blog which seeks to support the game and more importantly, its fan community. 

I like to keep this a positive atmosphere.  I have a very cordial relationship with APBA CEO John Herson and he had been supportive of the website.

Does the APBA Blog generate revenue?

No, the APBA Blog does not currently generate revenue.  It also does not receive any compensation from the APBA Game Company. 

Do I create the APBA Blog by myself?

Certainly not.  Over the years, I have had plenty of contributing authors who have written regular columns.  In addition, many have helped by submitting an article on a “one-off” basis.  I would like to thank all of them including the current ones, Scott Fennessy, Rod Caborn and Kevin Weber. 

By the way, Kevin is now doing a podcast with his brother Kirk Weber called Double Take that hits on APBA topics.  Please check them out!

Lastly, I would remiss without giving a little credit to the Illowa APBA League for some of my inspiration.  I’ve been in the league since I was a wee lad and consider each member a friend.   

How can someone follow The APBA Blog?

You can always come to and read the website itself. 

If you are on Facebook, follow the APBA Blog Facebook page. There is a fair amount of activity there.  The APBA Blog is on Twitter (barely, You will at least be notified when an article is posted).  

While I’m throwing out links, here is my Photos of People playing APBA gallery.   

Is the APBA Blog open to feedback?


I would love to hear what APBA fans have to say.  I am open to questions, constructive criticism or an idea for the site.  Feel free to contact me via the APBA Blog’s contact form. 



Thomas Nelshoppen

I am an IT consultant by day and an APBA media mogul by night. My passions are baseball (specifically Illini baseball), photography and of course, APBA. I have been fortunate to be part of the basic game Illowa APBA League since 1980 as well as a frequent participant of the Chicagoland APBA Tournament. I am slogging through a 1966 NL replay and hope to finish before I die.


  1. HI TOM,


    In Friendship,

    Jim Currie

  2. Must read for all APBA fans, thanks for the wonderful job you do Tom!

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