2020 has been something else but Gordon Titchener’s year improved just a little bit. He has just won the 2020 APBA Blog Pitching Grade Challenge. Not only that, but he also guessed EVERY pitcher correctly. 100%!!

None of the other 140 participants guessed all twenty pitchers correctly and this is the first time in the three years I’ve done this that someone has scored 100%. Gordon has raised the bar.
For his grade-guessing prowess, Gordon will receive a prize from the APBA Game Company thanks to John Herson.
So many were close to Gordon. A total of twelve participants guessed 19 out of 20. Of note, former Pitching Grade Challenge winner Joe Deauseault was one of them. Here are the honorable mentions of this year’s Challenge:
- John Brandeberry
- Don George
- Richard Chapman II
- Dennis Moore
- Jerrold Creek
- Steve Radtke
- Tony Landolt
- Bob McCurdy
- Dom Provisiero
- Steve Gilmore
- Joe Deauseault
- Bob Haider
Nice job to all of you for a job well done!
I’ve already been in touch with grand prize winner Gordon and he said, “Wow! I didn’t see that coming.” We’re already talking about a APBA Fan Profile of Gordon so you can expect to see that sometime after the new year.
I’m going to break down some of the numbers in the next couple of days including how my ballot fared (hint: not as good as Gordon).
Congratulations to Gordon for winning the 2020 APBA Blog Pitching Grade Challenge!
could you please send me my results if possible?
HOLY COW!!! I had 19 out of 20 ??? I have NEVER come even remotely close to this score. HA! Now I can brag about it…..might even have a T-shirt made up….lol…..hey John Asalon you reading this? Might be a good podcast subject!
This contest is always a lot of fun and I’m glad the APBA Blog is doing it every season. Congrats to Gordon and my other 19 of 20 crew!! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone at the Blog.
Maybe I should crowd fund that t-shirt idea, Dom!
This was a tough year for predict the cards. Nice work!
Tom, who was the pitcher I missed?