Two Webers on the writing staff?? Wow, The APBA Blog has hit the motherlode! Double the fun!

Kirk and Kevin Weber… or is it Kevin and Kirk? ;)
I was just getting off of work (which is now my basement office as I’m working from home) the other day and The APBA Blog contributing editor Kevin Weber hit me up with an idea. Would I be interested in taking on his twin brother, Kirk as a contributor for The APBA Blog??
What an idea! I didn’t have to think twice. I told Kevin that even if Kirk wrote half as good as he did, you all were in for a treat!

Some of you may know Kirk’s voice from the sports and culture podcast Double Take.
Like Kevin, Kirk is a school teacher in Michigan, Troy to be specific. And of course, he’s very much into sports and baseball in particular. From what I’ve heard on Double Take, Kirk is quite knowledgeable of baseball history. And of course, he plays APBA. The game is a frequent topic on Double Take.
So far, my interactions with Kirk have been awesome. He already has some great ideas that he has run by me. I’ll let him go into it as he seems raring to go. Look for some articles by Kirk soon!
Welcome Kirk! The APBA Blog is happy to have you on board!!