Walter Hunt’s recap of his 1943 draft and replay will give us something to do while we’re patiently waiting for the 2022 APBA season to be released.

I posted about Walter’s narrative of his 1944 replay earlier this year. In his words, this is how he approaches his project:
I decided to start with a mid-World War II season; with 16 stock teams I drafted 10 teams of 25 players (adding an additional 5 to each team at midseason to account for usage). With two divisions of 5 teams each, there could be the same format – 3-game series against opposite division opponents (two, home and away), and 4-game series against same division opponents (again two). 4 sets of 8, 5 sets of 6 – 62 games in all. I did the draft at the beginning of March, and completed the season in middle December; 310 games in all. 62 games is short, but does give a tangible amount of stats.
When it comes to overall detail and style, Walter’s narrative gives Rod Caborn’s recaps a run for its money. That shouldn’t be surprising. Walter is behind the effort of the Transcontinental Baseball League’s Annual publication.
Take some time and enjoy Walter Hunt’s 1943 Narrative
Bonus! I’m adding a link to Walter’s 1944 Narrative which he sent me as well.
I’ll have a 1945 book sometime next summer. No military reserves after that season: things might get back to “normal”. I’m about 10% of the way through the current campaign, but it’s moving at a leisurely pace.
Great writeup. I can really appreciate how much work you put into both the replay and the fine yearbook account of what transpired. Well done
Rod Caborn, Orlando, FL
I’ve just finished 1947. All of the seasons have had this style of book to recount them. Send me a message at if you want to see them.