With the current situation at hand, Rod Caborn has time on his hands. You know what that means. Lots of APBA and some good documentation.
Rod replayed the 1914 National League season and well, the Boston Braves just didn’t have in them for another Miracle comeback.
Honestly, it looked like a REALLY close race though. This was the standings in Rod’s replay on July 20:

Brooklyn ended up winning it all thanks to MVP Zack Wheat’s performance. Wheat batted .341 with 102 rbis and 14 home runs.
Rod put out a great Yearbook after he was done as per usual. Read it here. I always like reading through it. I told Rod that my favorite part is his initial replay guidelines which he spends a lot of time on. Anyone who is interested in beginning a replay should review that. I enjoy the “Personal Notes” which gives the reader a glimpse into Rod’s life.
Thanks Rod!