A few years ago, the rights to the APBA Journal, the monthly newsletter about the APBA game that published from 1967-2002, was purchased by an unknown entity. Now, the AJ is outing itself and can be found online. It now has a fan page on Facebook.
New York attorney Robert Tassinari is the man behind the curtain. He purchased the rights to the AJ three years ago from Francis Rose. For more info, check out the APBA Football Club’s in-depth story on Tassinari.
Now, he has released the APBA Journal Reference Packs on a CD for a $27.99. You can find them on sale at Ebay. There have been a few APBA fans who have already ordered the Reference Packs and received them. APBA fan Mike Sparks commented on Facebook that he would recommend it to all APBA players calling it a “treasure trove of information”.
As for future plans, Tassinari doesn’t plan to revive the AJ as an ongoing periodical. According to comments he made on the APBA Between the Lines forum, he just wants to make the current material available to APBA fans citing better more efficient and modern methods of communication that exist now between APBA fans.
Good Luck to Robert……the APBA Journal is such a huge part of this hobby.
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