Take part in an APBA League survey

Dave Walker emailed me today about a project he’s taken on.  He’s put up a survey for those involved in APBA leagues.  The best part is that all of us will benefit from its results.
Read more to find out more about it:
Tom –
 As a long-time fan of the both the cards and dice game and BBW, I have enjoyed the hobby through solo play, replays, and league play.
I am assembling a roster of current APBA leagues. I have opened a survey that asks 30 questions; the answers should fairly well define each league.  I will publish it on certain APBA-related yahoo or Delphi sites, including this blog!
I think it will be interesting to see all the variations of leagues that exist.  It may also encourage interested new members who could pick a specific format, or league size, for example.
If any of your blog readers are interested in providing information about a league that they run or participate in, I invite them to open the survey and fill it out:

In the first five days of the survey, more than thirty leagues have reported in.  I suspect there are at least that many more!  Comments and questions are invited.
Thanks for your attention and support!
Dave Walker


I’d encourage all leagues to fill out Dave’s survey.  From what I hear, he’s already got quite a response. 

Thomas Nelshoppen

I am an IT consultant by day and an APBA media mogul by night. My passions are baseball (specifically Illini baseball), photography and of course, APBA. I have been fortunate to be part of the basic game Illowa APBA League since 1980 as well as a frequent participant of the Chicagoland APBA Tournament. I am slogging through a 1966 NL replay and hope to finish before I die.

One Comment:

  1. I posted the first cut of the survey results this weekend. There are 73 entries. I encourage you to take a look.

    Latecomers are welcome: http://www.zoomerang.com/Survey/?p=WEB2293XLKNYUY

    Dave Walker

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