This Saturday is the Chicagoland Summer APBA World Series Tournament!
There’s not much to say except Rob Spatz puts on an excellent tourney. He has put in months of prep work into this weekend. At this point, there will be around 40 participants traveling to Chicago to vie for the trophy this year.
I’m spending some time reviewing the tourney rules. At some point, I will have to pare my 1966 Minnesota Twins roster down to 25 players.
Here are some photos of past Chicago tourneys.
I’m hoping to have more when I get back. It’s hard to believe but it’s been a year and a half since I’ve attended. I’m looking forward to seeing old friends and making new ones!
Good luck to everyone participating this weekend!!!
Looking forward to catching up, my friend!
Always love seeing the photos from the previous events. I still laugh seeing the photo of the finals from arguably one of the most entertaining runs in tournament history. LIMA TIME!