There are several APBA baseball tournaments on the horizon and most still have openings for those who might be interested in participating. I thought I would list a few for you in case you would like to check them out.
I’ve tried to list contact info or an online presence if possible so you can find out more or even register if you would like to participate. Also, this list is no doubt incomplete. Please let me know if I’m missing any majors ones this year.
Here they are:
9th Annual Greater Michigan APBA Baseball Tournament
Date: March 4, 2023
Location: Loomis Park Baptist Church 2301 N. Elm Rd Jackson, MI
Theme: World Series Champions
Pastor Rich Zawadzki is the host with the most! The GMABT is one of the most talked about tourney in the Midwest. Rich is now getting help from Stray Corrado to put tourney info online. If you’re interested, check out the GMABT website.
Twin Cities APBA Baseball Tournament-XIX
Date: April 1, 2023
Location: Shakopee, MN
This prolific and popular tourney up north is going strong. Organizer Jim Fraasch has details about TCABT-XIX on Jim’s APBA Barn if you’re interested in attending.
Kansas City APBA Baseball Tournament
Date: May 20, 2023 (tentative)
Location: Kansas City, MO
Jeff Boeding heads up the KCABT. They concluded its first tourney back in September and are preparing for another already.
2023 APBA Convention
Date: June 22-23
Location: Hilton Garden Inn Atlanta North, Alpharetta, GA
This is the BIG deal. APBA-philes from all over the country congregate in Alpharetta, Georgia for events, talks, and yes, they have a tournament.
The APBA Company has a web page dedicated to the National Convention. It’s a little sparse on details now but if you receive the APBA Newsletter, we will get more details later. Randy Coryer who maintains the newsletter, is great about passing on info.
The 2023 Chicagoland Summer APBA Baseball Tournament
Date: July 22, 2023
Location: Hyatt Rosemont, Rosemont, IL
Theme: Have you Heard About the Lonesome Loser?
This is my personal favorite. It’s just “up the road a ways” from where I live. Rob Spatz has taken this tourney and grew it beyond anyone’s dreams. It’s a few months away and he already has 48 attendees this year.
Some photos from last year’s Chicagoland tournament
For info on the tourney and the theme requirements, check out the tourney Facebook page.
Ultimate APBA Baseball Card Tournament
Date: July 22, 2023
Location: Lancaster, PA
Theme: Combination of two teams in same division with .558 winning % or later
Set in the birthplace of APBA Game Company, this is the inaugural Ultimate APBA Baseball Card Tournament. Organizer Chester Davis has set up an unusual theme for this tourney that sounds fun.
For some details and contact info, see this writeup on The APBA Blog.
Glass City APBA Baseball Tournament – Cancelled
For those looking forward to Ron Emch’s Glass City APBA Baseball Tournament, you may have to wait another year. The positive news is there is a very good reason.
Ron and his wife are going on a vacation to celebrate their 50th anniversary!
Congratulations, Ron!!
The APBA Newsletter
If you want to keep up on APBA Tournaments on a timely manner, I recommend subscribing to the APBA Newsletter. It’s the best way to get official APBA news. The good news is that they also include information about regional tournaments and leagues.
To subscribe, go to the APBA Games website and on the right side, there is a field where you can enter your email address. Click “Subscribe to Newsletter” and your done.
The image to the right is a screenshot so you have an idea what to look for.
You won’t regret it. Announcements, including tournament happenings, get communicated via much quicker on the newsletter than the website.
Be kind to your tourney organizer
Finally, thanks to all of the tournament organizers who put in all the hard work necessary to pull off a successful event! I realize it’s not an easy thing to do. If you are a participant, be courteous those who put in weeks even months to make the tournament as good as it was.
Too kind. Chicagoland is a labor of love. Hoping a few more can make it!