Fall 2013 Chicagoland Tournament championship game about to begin between Clark Eichman and Scott Fennessy
It’s the final segment by the APBA Tournament Organizers Roundtable. I’ve really enjoyed this whole project and working with all these guys. This last question is simple but it got some of the best responses.
My final question for the roundtable is…
What did you find the most rewarding about getting a bunch of people together to play APBA?
…here are the responses from all nine organizers. I also asked each organizer to plug any upcoming tournaments.
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Skeet Carr – APBA Game Company National Tournament |
“The most rewarding thing to me is to sit back and observe all these grown men rolling dice and having a lot of fun with a game that has also given me great pleasure for 60 years. Especially knowing that I had at least a small part in it.”
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John Cochrane – Robert Henry Memorial Tournament |
“Any excuse to get the APBA community together is a valid goal in and of itself; we never get enough time together. That having been said, watching the kids interact with us, and vice versa, and hearing what Brian tells me every year about what it has meant to the kids, is the part that has kept me at this. The example that literally had me in tears was at this year’s tournament, which took place about 7 weeks after Veryl Lincoln’s death. We added a plaque to each trophy this year in his honor, and I addressed the group with a few wholly inadequate words about him during lunch break. The part that left me in awe was when one of older kids who had met Veryl multiple times asked if he could get up and address the crowd further in Veryl’s honor.
Barring something unforeseen, the 2016, Fourth Annual Robert Henry Memorial Tournament will take place, somewhere near Philadelphia sometime next summer, but we currently have no exact date (Brian will give me a list of available dates early next year; we obviously have to use a date he and his charges can be there), no venue (we need to upgrade from the one we have been using), and a possible change in tournament director (after three years of taking credit for other people’s good work, I’ve clearly proven the Peter Principle, and I’m no longer fooling anyone).”
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Ron Emch – Glass City APBA Baseball Tournament |
“I am a gamer at heart. I play lots of other board games that are not sports related. So the most rewarding about getting together is being with others who share the same passion. It’s like immediate friends, and discussions happens so naturally.
I don’t get to play games with other folks as much as I’d like, so having a full day of APBA baseball is really enjoyable. Plus, it’s great to see all the different mannerisms that people have when playing this game. Some are quiet, some are louder, some play fast, others slow, some emotional, and so forth and so on.
I also learn a lot at these gatherings about APBA. I feel like a neophyte around some of these guys.
Last, but not least, I enjoy seeing people having a good time. If I’ve had something to do with that, then I’ve had a good day. Putting on an APBA tournament is a no lose situation.”
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Jim Fraasch – Twin Cities APBA Baseball Tournament |
“Meeting the various people and personalities that I have has been the most rewarding aspect. These are terrific guys, each coming from a different background, not to mention several guys coming from other nearby states to play. I would have never have met any of these guys if it was not for APBA and the fact that there is this much interest in playing in the tournament. I think that is ultimately the draw for all of these guys. You love baseball. You love playing APBA. The common bond, the comradery.
I’ve also seen some interesting life “reunions” occur. One story I had written about after our TCABT-III, was meeting Fred Johnson for the first time, when I was purchasing a few APBA sets he had acquired from an old friend who had passed away. Fred had posted an online ad on Craigslist for these 2 APBA sets. The sets were 1976 and 1977. Sets I already owned, but I figured what the heck, it will give me a chance to meet another APBA guy. So after I met Fred, I mentioned that several of us play in an APBA Tournament, twice a year. Fred had not rolled an APBA game since 1959. Remember, he only had these 2 APBA sets for sale because one of his old buddies was an APBA guy, and after he passed away, the wife gave the APBA items to Fred. Fred, who happens to be a local Minnesota historian, was curious enough about our TCABT event, he decided “why not” and entered our 3rd tourney.
After I announced Fred Johnson, of Cottage Grove, MN had entered our tournament, another entrant, Gregg Nelson, recognized the name Fred Johnson, and was sure this must be the same Fred Johnson who used to write the local sports column for the Cottage Grove newspaper, the town where Gregg Nelson grew up during the 60’s/70’s/80’s. Sure enough, this was the same Fred Johnson, and both Gregg and Fred were able to reunite. Fred had actually written about the brothers, Gregg and Jeff Nelson, when they were both playing high school basketball for Cottage Grove.
The reunion between Fred and Gregg
Jeff Nelson is the current Major League Baseball umpire (who also played APBA in his youth, although Gregg is the one who stuck with it). Gregg and Fred faced off for a 2-game series in TCABT-III. Picture attached. Gregg has played in 3 of our 4 and is a regular. Fred has now played in our last 2 tourneys, and plans to make them from here on. BTW, Fred has authored several books on Minnesota history. Here is a link listing most of his books.
The meeting between Fred and Gregg is the example of the meeting would have never taken place had it not been for the TCABT. I plan to meet Fred this week for lunch, as we might talk a little bit about teams to bring to our next tourney ;)
The Neil Ess Memorial TCABT-V is scheduled for Saturday, April 2nd, 8:15am, Maple Grove, MN (Darrell Skogen’s home)”
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Geoff Giordano – APBA Football Club Tournament |
“The ultimate goal of the AFC tournament in Canton in 2013 was to get the most important APBA football minds in the same room. Ray Dunlap, Greg Wells, Greg Barath and Jerry Zajack had not met — and only Wells had met (now fellow) Hall of Famer Cochrane at the official tourneys. John not only provided us key tips and an exceptional overview of APBA’s futbol game — for which he served as a tester — but also regaled us with his personal tale of Canton’s history.
Bob Tassinari’s attendance with the ’71 Raiders was another great thrill, as he discussed the ins and outs of purchasing and digitizing the APBA Journal. It’s also gratifying that the AFC tournament planted the seeds of making football part of the official APBA tournament, which has seen Dunlap, Barath and Cochrane reprise their presentations from Canton and now promises tournaments featuring all the company’s sports, including football.”
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Jim Saska – Chicagoland World Series APBA Tournament |
“The most rewarding aspect of holding the tournaments was meeting and getting to know the participants. I can’t say enough about the quality of the people I have met through the Chicagoland tournament. Now that I have moved away from the Chicago area, I really miss those folks (Hello, Chicagoland tournament participants).
I have kept in touch with several of the players via email and am considering joining Facebook. I am looking forward next year (2016) to begin holding APBA tournaments in the Richmond, Virginia area, my new home. Anyone out there interested in participating in a tournament in the Richmond area can email me to express their interest ().”
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Ken Schulz – Linda B Schulz Memorial APBA Baseball Tournament |
“The most rewarding part is getting to know some Hall of Famers such as Greg Wells our first champion and Roy Langhans, spending more time rolling games, and meeting new people who love the game I have loved for over 30 years.
Those who are interested in coming to our next LBS Memorial can reach me at . I will be plugging the tournament starting in January on the APBA Baseball Facebook group and Delphi Forums Between the Lines as well.”
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Doug Schuyler – Chicagoland World Series APBA Tournament |
“The most rewarding part is just standing back and watching people have a great time and fostering great relationships. Some amazing friendships have been forged! Watching Bradd Romant jump up like a 12 year old when Steve Garvey hits a walk off homerun to win the game is pretty cool!
We also really need to push this game with the younger generation! My son does enjoy playing the game. He can take most any team from any era and at least put them in a pretty good lineup just based on reading the cards and he is only ten years old. We had Andy Bartel win a tournament in the Twin Cities I.”
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Rich Zawadzki – Greater Michigan APBA Baseball Tournament |
“Everybody had such a great time; it is difficult to describe the great feeling of meeting and playing a game, that you have enjoyed mostly by yourself, with others who enjoy it just as much.
TIME: 9:00 AM
COST: $15.00
Much thanks to the Fellowship of the Dice!
I owe a big thanks to Skeet, John, Ron, Jim F, Geoff, Jim S, Ken, Doug and Rich. Their time and contribution made this whole series a fantastic reflection on APBA tournaments. I hope everyone enjoyed the interviews. You can read them all here.
This has been a joy to read and one of my favorite features from one of my favorite blogs!
Thank you, Steve! It’s been a lot of fun to put together, too! Great guys with a lot of passion for the game.
I am a relative APBA newbie (4 years) but in 2015, I have been blessed to be part of the Michigan tournament, two Chicago tournaments, and the Toledo tournament. Thanks to Pastor Rich, Doug Schuyler, and Ron Emch for such a great job with these tournaments! The Michigan and Toledo tournaments were inaugural events and Rich and Ron did a great job organizing their first events. As always, Doug Schuyler continued his outstanding leadership with the Chicago tournaments. I stuck around at the November tournament and was rewarded by witnessing Bradd Romant’s walk off home run dance. It was quite exciting! I am eagerly looking forward to tournaments in 2016 including the first Prairieland tournament in April! Thanks for this great post, Tom.
uh oh. It looks like we have a lot to live up to then! :)
We’ll do our best in April!
Great write ups!! Very informative and entertaining to read !
Great job as always. I could never thank John Cochrane and the APBA community enough. During our initial conversation regarding what would become the Henry Tournament, John told me how amazing a group the community is, I have seen that the past 3 years, from John Herson on down. I could NEVER thank them enough for all of their help and support over the years.