Today we celebrate Jackie Robinson Day the APBA way. I urge all of you to celebrate APBA Jackie Robinson Day by playing a game of APBA Baseball with a Jackie Robinson team or card.
It can be any Jackie Robinson card from any season and you can set up your game, opponent, and format any way you wish. Play your game on APBA GO, with APBA Baseball for Windows, or with traditional cards and dice.
With this post, I’ve created a Facebook post from The APBA Blog where you can report your results and tell the APBA community how Jackie Robinson performed in your game. The post will also be shared on the APBA Baseball, APBA Games, and APBA Baseball Card Facebook groups. Today, we all roll for #42.
If you’d like to play me on APBA GO, my username is kweber. I’ll be playing with the 1949 Brooklyn Dodgers, Robinson’s MVP season.
My APBA GO username is kirkweber. I’ll gladly play challengers to celebrate Jackie’s legacy.
I played the 53 Yankees versus the 53 Dodgers, at Abbitts field the daughter suffered a two to one loss. Jackie was one for three with an infield single, then after Nathan with a walk, but then I tried to hit and run to avoid the double play in a line drive to suck and paste turned into a double play and ended Jackie’s day!
Jackie Robinson Day
1952 Brooklyn Dodgers (Darren Schulz) at 1953 Brooklyn Dodgers (Logan Schulz)
In a father vs son match-up on Jackie Robinson Day, the 11-year-old got the last laugh in the extra innings pitching duel. With a 2-1 lead in the 9th, Roy Campanella of the 52 squad gets the solo shot to knot the game at 2 each. Junior Gilliam (53) finds the gap for a lead off double in the bottom half of the ninth but inexplicably gets thrown out by Campanella on a stealing attempt with Reese, Snider, and Robinson scheduled to hit. After a scoreless 10th, Carl Erskine, who toed the hill as the starting pitcher for both teams, was removed by Logan in the top half of the 11th. Clem Labine retires the side in the 11th and is rewarded handsomely when Carl Furillo launches a 66-1 solo blast to bring the 53 squad to victory, 3-2!
As for the player of the day, Jackie Robinson, he finished 0-5 for dad while contributing a 2-5 night (two singles) and a run scored for Logan.
WP – Clem Labine
LP – Ben Wade
Thanks for the fun event!
using my old 1950 reprint set for the first time, i played the august 6,1950 game of cincinnati at ebbets field(i’m a Reds fan, but have loved Jackie and his Brooklyn teams since i was a kid) with only slight changes to the actual lineups. Robinson batted cleanup. i used the master game boards. with his 2b-8 he robbed a Reds hitter of a single that would’ve scored a go ahead run in the 5th. In the bottom of that inning the Bums sent 11 batters to the plate and the Duke hit a grand slam to give dodgers a 7-1 lead. the final was 7-4, Branca beating Ewel Blackwell. Robinson was hitless his first 3 times up and reached on an error the 4th. tried some razzle dazzle and tagged up after a young Joe Adcock made a difficult play on a fly to left but Jackie was out at second(he had about a 52%chance of success.but oh well). was a fun game. i’m sorry i posted here. i don’t do Facepage or other social medias
Played 5 games with Jackie yesterday. One master game with 1949 season against Stan the man. Used May 8th line ups as season didn’t start by 15th. Robinson 3 for 5. 2b, 2r, 1rbi. Brooklyn wins 8 to 4.
Bought 56 Dodgers and played 4 games on Apbago. Game 1 the 2019 Twins flexed there muscle with 2 home runs and win at home 3 to 1. Jackie 1 single in 4 abs batting second playing third base.
Game 2. 2019 Padres time machine to Ebbets field. After falling behind 3 to 2 in 9th Sandy Amoros hits game tying blast. Now bottom 14th with man on second Gilliam gets intentional walk to face Jackie who walks it off with 3 run homer. Final 5 to 2. What a memorable Robinson day moment. 2 for 4 1r, 4rbi, 1sb.
Game 3 56 Indians travel to Brooklyn and take it 6 to 3. Jackie 1 single in 4 at bats.
Game 4 Brooklyn travels to Cleveland to play 2and game against the tribe. Although Robinson day this one could as well be Dan Drysdale day. Drysdale pitched complete game 3 hitter and launched a early Herb Score fastball for a grand slam. Dodgers win 5 to 3. Jackie a single.
Apba go stats for Jackie.
5 for 16 (.313) 1hr, 1sb, 1r, 4rbi and a very memorable bottom 14th 3 run walk off blast.
ok ok I know I’m late but here is the Jackie Robinson game I played last week: 1951 NY Giants vs 1951 Brooklyn Dodgers. The game was played using dice and the O.Z. League Boards. The teams came from the original Master Game. To my knowledge they are the only two APBA teams that have only Master Game ratings on them. So no pitcher is “letter” graded only “number” graded.
Starters: Sal “the Barber” Maglie R14Z vs Elwin “Preacher” Roe
Recap: how Brooklyn ever lost a game with this lineup I’ll never know; I think its a better team than their 55 Championship crew. Anyway, two powerful teams jump into the ring and the game was all about….pitching! Pitching?….yes this contest was a mano a mano duel between the two starters. Both men had shutouts through 7 innings…both teams managed only 3 hits apiece up to that point.
B8: Preacher Roe due to lead off but is pulled for a pinch hitter. Cal Abrams steps up and promptly pops out to second base. Jackie up next…he drops a single into shallow right field. Pee Wee Reese up. Wheels are turning: steal…?…hit & run?…hit away?…..Hit & Run is called!….Jackie is caught stealing!!…there are two out. Reese grounds out 1-3.
T9: Brooklyns’ lack of a bullpen shows its ugly face now as King (R6) steps in for Preacher. Irvin steps to the plate and immediately slaps a single to right center. Then Alvin Dark rips a triple scoring Irvin. 1-0 Giants! Thompson pops out to the pitcher. A Willie Mays single scores Dark increasing the Giant lead to 2-0. Lockman flies out to center and Mueller ends the inning via a 6-4 ground out.
B9: The Barber is now a Grade 20 and pumped…no one warming up in the pen…Snider leads off with a 4 pitch walk…tying run at the plate in the form of Gil “put me in the hall” Hodges…Maglie strikes out Hodges!! Campanella up next…home town fans on their feet….c’mon Campy….but Maglie K’s him also !! Two out…Carl Furillo steps up….man this team has some bats!!…..Maglie stares in for the sign…one shake of the head….another shake of the head…there’s the nod…heres the pitch….Carl swings!…he connects…it is HIGH…..but it is above home plate…Westrum moves left then right….he’s got it! GAME OVER!! Giants win…the Giants win…the Giants win…..2-0…Maglie is the MVP of the game. And our contribution to the APBA Jackie Robinson Day is complete. Fun game; great idea guys!