Just a quick reminder that as of this week, the 2018 season for APBA GO is now available.

You will need to create an account on the APBA GO system (at no cost) and the season itself will cost $20. You can also purchase an individual team from 2018 for $3.00.

Ordering the 2018 season will allow you to play any team from that season. You can play within the 2018 season or pit one against a team from another year provided you have purchased it.
Keep in mind that in addition to being able to playing APBA GO, you will be able to see the virtual APBA cards on the computer screen. Barring any changes due to possible errors, these “cards” will be the same that will be shipped in physical form for use with the dice version of the game in January.
All purchases can be made from the APBA GO Store.